A Question we are often asked is how to prioritise in a survival situation, what do you need to do first?

When prioritising there are a number of variables to take into account from environmental factors to the mechanism by which survival is necessary.

In all cases the first thing to get out of the way is to deal with injuries and any immediate risk of harm.  Move yourself and others away from any potential dangers before focusing on and treating any medical issues.

Once satisfied that immediate health concerns are under control, it’s time to take stock and figure out both where you are and just how likely you are to be rescued.

The Rule of 3’s

A good guiding principle to inform decision making in survival situations is The rule of 3’s.

General survival rates:

  • 3 minutes – without air
  • 3 hours – without a maintained Core Temperature
  • 3 days – without water
  • 3 weeks – without food

Civilisation may be just several or hundreds of miles away and knowing this is going to influence the decisions you make and your next steps.

Once you have established how long you might need to stay in the wilderness then it’s time to focus on choosing a suitable location that meets your individual or your groups needs.


When looking for a good site you need to make sure that it will meet both your immediate and future needs, however long that may be.

Protecting yourself from the elements and maintaining warmth is your top priority but doing so miles away from a suitable water source is a bad idea.  Likewise bedding down near a stream on an exposed hillside without a readily available supply of fuel for the fire is an equally poor choice.

The location you choose should keep you safe and give you easy access to all the things that you will likely need for immediate survival.

A suitable site should provide easy access to or protection from the 5 W’s.


Following these general rules will enable you to establish a safe and suitable base in the best possible location.  To find out more and put some of these principles into practice, why not attend one of our Survival courses?



This is our foundation survival course – a truly fantastic place to start on your survival journey!

We’ll get you settled in the woodland with hot drinks and issue you with some kit and equipment for your stay.  Before setting up camp we’ll make sure you know how everything works and help you find a suitable location to bed down for the night, then you’ll prepare your first meal by the fire.

The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the world of survival and teach participants the skills required to make a night in the wilderness comfortable and successful.

We can’t guarantee the weather (it’s Cornwall after all and we know that there’s no such thing as bad weather, only weather inappropriate clothing!) but we assure you that you’ll learn a heap of useful stuff and have a memorable experience.

This course is suitable for anyone aged 14 and over, Under 18s must be accompanied by a paying adult.

Please note – This course includes the preparation of animals for food. If this element is not for you please let us know, you’re welcome to participate in this course and sit this element out.


Friday: 1800 - 2100
  • Welcome
  • Kit and equipment overview
  • Set up Camp
  • Meal prep
  • Safe tool use
  • Fire time
Saturday: 0800 - 1200
  • Breakfast
  • Clear camp
  • Cutting techniques
  • Cordage
  • Lunch preparation
Saturday: 1300 - 1800
  • Basic Fire craft
  • Natural Navigation
  • Water
  • Tool maintenance

Looking for more? Check out our SURVIVE – 42 course here!

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